Service Agreement
d Preamble:
The Head Office of AVSE-TESOL (Australia) is located at: 7/178 Mcleod Street, Cairns North, Queensland, Australia 4870. We are a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) in Australia. Our RTO number is: 45373. We have authorisation from the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) to offer the Certificate IV in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Course code: 11245NAT) vocational training programme – accredited under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) – in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) and in Phnom Penh (Cambodia).
Our TESOL programme in Ho Chi Minh City is conducted in partnership with AVSE-TESOL (Vietnam): 1300 Quang Trung Street, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Our TESOL programme in Hanoi is also conducted in partnership with AVSE-TESOL (Vietnam): 5th floor, 152 Pho Duc Chinh Street, Truc Bach Ward, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi, Vietnam. Our TESOL programme in Phnom Penh is conducted in partnership with AVSE-TESOL (Cambodia): ELT Building, 7-9 Street 136, Phsar Thmey 3, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
The Australian Government accredited Certificate IV in TESOL programme at AVSE-TESOL (Vietnam, Cambodia and Online) comes within the jurisdiction of Australian law and Australian regulatory authorities. The Teaching Jobs Abroad programme in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City is within the jurisction of Vietnamese law and regulatory authorities. The Teaching Jobs Abroad programme in Phnom Penh is within the jurisdiction of Cambodian law and regulatory authorities. The Vietnam TEFL Internship programme at AVSE-TESOL comes within the jurisdiction of Australian law and Australian regulatory authorities, if the Certificate IV in TESOL (Course: 11245NAT) is included in the deal, otherwise it comes within the jurisdiction of Vietnamese Law and regulatory authorities.
AVSE-TESOL (Australia) has third-party agreements with our partner organisations in Vietnam and Cambodia related to the delivery of the Certificate IV in TESOL training programme. These agreements are consistent with ASQA regulations – and regulations in Vietnam and Cambodia.
Peter Raymond Goudge (Australian) and Tran Thuy My Linh (Vietnamese) are the joint owners of AVSE-TESOL (Australia), AVSE-TESOL (Vietnam) and AVSE-TESOL (Cambodia). Peter holds tertiary qualifications in social science, disability services, vocational training, assessment and education. Linh holds tertiary qualifications in economics.
This document represents a genuine and sincere attempt to outline terms and conditions for service between AVSE-TESOL (Australia) – including partner entities in Vietnam and Cambodia – and our customers.
Applicant information:
- Students must take the time to read the entry requirements to enrol in a vocational training programme at AVSE-TESOL. If it happens that the student is unclear about entry requirements, the onus is on the student to seek advice.
- Students must fully disclose any past, pending or potential criminal proceedings.
- Students must fully disclose health issues that will require treatment while undertaking training at AVSE-TESOL.
- AVSE-TESOL ensures that a student with a disability can access and participate in training on the same basis as a student without a disability.
- Students with a disability can discuss their personal circumstances with the Disability Services Officer at AVSE-TESOL, prior to enrolling in training and at any time during the course.
- Students who knowingly submit false information during the application process may be subject to one or more of the following actions: 1. have an offer to participate in a future training programme withdrawn; 2. be dismissed from a training programme that’s underway; and 3. be ineligible for training at AVSE-TESOL moving forward.
- All Australian citizens who are enrolled in training at AVSE-TESOL, regardless of location, are required by the Australian Government to provide a Unique Student Identifier (USI) before a TESOL certificate can be issued.
Emergency contact information:
- Students have a responsibility to provide AVSE-TESOL with the name and contact details of a person who is authorised to act on their behalf in the event of an emergency or a situation that requires a decision from a third-party. With scenarios like those specified – emergency, decision maker required – AVSE-TESOL is authorised to contact and freely discuss prevailing circumstances with the nominated third-party.
Application acceptance:
- Within three working days of an application being submitted online via the AVSE-TESOL website, the Admissions Officer at AVSE-TESOL will email the potential student and either: offer a place on a specified course, request more information, seek to lock in a SKYPE discussion or respectfully decline the application.
- Being offered a place in a training programme at AVSE-TESOL, does not guarantee a place. The guarantee occurs once the student has paid the necessary deposit.
- Payment of a specified deposit within seven days of receiving a written offer constitutes acceptance of the offer that was made.
Confirmed place:
- AVSE-TESOL will guarantee a student a place on a specified course by email, within three working days of receiving the required deposit.
- In instances where the required deposit is not received within the specified timeframe, the offer that was made automatically lapses and the student may need to submit a new enrolment application.
Credit transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning:
- AVSE-TESOL is pleased to receive applications from students for Credit Transfer, Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or both related to the Certificate IV in TESOL that we offer (Course code: 11245NAT). Initial enquiries should be directed to Peter Goudge, the Managing Director of AVSE-TESOL, via the following email address:
- Credit Transfer is formal acknowledgement that a student has already completed a Unit of Competency (or part of a Unit) through previous Vocational Education and Training (or Higher Education) study programmes.
- RPL is recognition of skills and knowledge that a student has acquired through work and everyday experiences – and matching the skills and knowledge to the requirements of the current training programme.
- Any student can apply for Credit Transfer, RPL or both, but it’s important to note: 1. the Credit Transfer and RPL processes come with a predetermined fee to cover the cost of engaging a suitably qualified industry expert to conduct the assessment process, and 2. it’s the responsibility of the person who applies for credit transfer, RPL or both, to gather and submit supporting documentation.
Deposit payment:
The in-class TESOL programmes at AVSE-TESOL require a deposit payment to reserve a spot. The deposit will be paid to AVSE-TESOL directly or to a partner entity. In cases where a deposit is payable directly to AVSE-TESOL, the following sums apply:
- In-class TESOL course in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City or Phnom Penh (Vietnam or Cambodia passport holder): US $200.00
- In-class TESOL course in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City or Phnom Penh (Philippines passport holder): US $340.00
- In-class TESOL course in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City or Phnom Penh (those who hold a passport from a country other than Vietnam, Cambodia or the Philippines): US $750.00
Final payment (in-class programmes):
- The total payment for an in-class TESOL programme at AVSE-TESOL (total fee, less deposit) must be finalised no later than 14 days before the scheduled start date of the course.
- The payment process is only finalised when an agreed sum is immediately accessible to AVSE-TESOL. While a receipt is helpful and an indication of payment, from an AVSE-TESOL perspective, it does not constitute finalising the payment process.
- If a student does not finalise the required payment no later than 14 days before the scheduled start of a training programme, the offer to attend a specified course will be immediately withdrawn.
- From time-to-time AVSE-TESOL will admit a ‘latecomer’ to a training programme. In this instance, the agreed fee must be paid in full before the person moves into the accommodation provided by AVSE-TESOL, if applicable, or attends their first class.
Payment – Online TESOL, Teaching Jobs Abroad and Vietnam TEFL Internships:
- If you are offered a place in the Online TESOL programme, the Teaching Jobs Abroad programme or the Vietnam TEFL Internships programme at AVSE, you need to pay the total fee within seven days of receiving an offer to secure your spot.
Optional extras:
- AVSE-TESOL offer a range of optional extras that students can purchase at the advertised price or disregard.
- Optional extras that are offered by AVSE-TESOL are priced according to: the average cost at 3 business locations; the average cost over a 12-month period (high / low seasons); taxation obligations; and a range of other factors.
- Students should note that if they choose to purchase an optional extra from AVSE-TESOL, they do so with the full knowledge that the advertised price might be higher (or lower) than the price they can find in the marketplace.
TESOL certificate:
- The graphic design and wording on the TESOL certificate that is issued by AVSE-TESOL to those students who satisfy the course related requirements are consistent with Australian standards. AVSE-TESOL is unable to tailor the graphic design and wording on a TESOL certificate to meet individual needs.
- Students need to be aware that the name on their TESOL certificate must be an exact match (in full) to what appears in their passport, for Work Permit and other purposes. Responsibility for ensuring that AVSE-TESOL is provided with the correct name that’s to appear on the TESOL certificate rests with the student.
- Typically, students will receive their Australian Government accredited TESOL certificate within 10 working days of having: submitted all the required assessment tasks; 2. provided information that AVSE-TESOL is obligated by Australian Regulations to collect (for example, the Unique Student Identifier); and 3. cleared outstanding debts to AVSE-TESOL (accommodation for extra nights for example), whichever occurs last.
- Students can make a request in writing to AVSE-TESOL for a replacement TESOL certificate if their original certificate has been lost, stolen or damaged. This service will incur a replacement fee of US $75.00 and if necessary, a postal fee set by the local postal service.
- Students who completed an in-class TESOL course at AVSE-TESOL in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City or Phnom Penh can collect their TESOL certificate at the location where they completed the course without incurring a postage fee.
- Students can make a request in writing – with ample notice – for their TESOL certificate to be collected by a third-party.
- Students who complete a TESOL programme at AVSE-TESOL can request that their TESOL certificate be posted to a nominated address anywhere in the world, but this will incur a postage fee set by the local postal service, unless the student has included postage as an optional extra (US $40.00) in their original application. Note, postage fees can be up to US $100.00 depending on destination. Postage payments that are made in advance are not refundable.
Course requirements:
- While AVSE-TESOL Trainers ‘walk through’ the assessment process on the first day of every new training programme and consistently throughout a training programme, responsibility for knowing course related requirements, rests with the student. In the event a student is unsure about any aspect of a training course at AVSE-TESOL, in the first instance the student may wish to consult with a classmate. If the uncertainty continues, the student may wish to reach out to their trainer.
- Students must attend a minimum of 90% of scheduled ‘theory’ classes associated with their training programme. Failure to meet this core requirement may constitute grounds for dismissal from the training programme, transfer to the next available course (fee involved) or the imposition of additional fees to facilitate ‘make-up’ classes (US $40.00 per hour).
- Students must be present at the designated start time of all training programme related commitments. Lateness on three separate occasions is considered the equivalent to being absent for a whole day.
- Students must successfully complete all course components and assessment tasks to be eligible to pass the course and receive a certificate. There are no exceptions.
- In the event an assessment task that was submitted by a student is deemed ‘not yet competent’, there is the option to repeat the relevant task without further charge up to, but not more than three occasions. From the fourth occasion, AVSE-TESOL will impose a US $90.00 reassessment fee.
- Students have up to 6 months from the start date of their training programme to complete all course related requirements. Periods beyond 6 months are subject to negotiation between AVSE-TESOL and the individual student – and may incur an additional fee.
- Throughout a training programme at AVSE-TESOL, students must always behave in a courteous and professional manner when engaging with AVSE-TESOL staff, classmates and partner organisations.
- Students are not permitted to bring, consume or be under the influence of alcohol or an illicit substance in a school environment. It’s noteworthy that being in possession or consuming an illicit substance in Southeast Asia can attract the Death penalty.
- Students are required to wear professional and culturally appropriate attire when observing or teaching English language classes that are part of the TESOL programme. In the event a student is unsure about what constitutes ‘professional and culturally appropriate attire’ they should seek guidance from their trainer.
- In the event a student is dissatisfied with any aspect of service delivery at AVSE-TESOL, in the first instance, the matter should be raised with the trainer who is taking the course.
- If a student remains dissatisfied with any aspect of service delivery at AVSE-TESOL, after initially raising concerns with the trainer who is taking the course, the student has the option of reaching out to the Managing Director of AVSE-TESOL in writing.
- If a student remains dissatisfied with any aspect of service delivery at AVSE-TESOL, after initially raising concerns with the trainer who is taking the course, then raising concerns with the Managing Director of AVSE-TESOL, the student has the option of having the matter adjudicated by a qualified ‘Independent Umpire’ appointed by AVSE-TESOL’s Manager of Business Operations, Ms Tran Thuy My Linh. Representations to the Independent Umpire must be in writing. The decision of the Independent Umpire will be binding on the student and AVSE-TESOL, unless overturned by a higher authority.
- When dealing with complaints of any kind, it’s imperative that communication (written and verbal) between the student and AVSE-TESOL (and vice versa) is consistent with what is expected in a professional (vocational training / school) work environment.
- Students have the right to raise their dissatisfaction with services provided by AVSE-TESOL, with the Regulatory entity (ASQA) that presides over RTOs in Australia.
- Students have the right to raise their dissatisfaction with services provided by AVSE-TESOL, with outside agencies. The following consumer protection organisations in Vietnam and Cambodia can help:
Vietnam: Vietnam Competition and Consumer Authority, 25, Ngo Quyen, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi, Vietnam (
Cambodia: Department of Consumer Protection, Street 18, Kdey Takoy Village, Sangkat Veal Sbov, Khan Chbar Ampov, Phnom Penh, Cambodia (
- Students have the right to see or ask for copies of all documents and other recorded information held by AVSE-TESOL pertaining to them personally. As a starting point, if a student wishes to see or obtain copies of documents and other recorded information related to a third-party, they must obtain written permission from the third-party.
Liability waiver:
- AVSE-TESOL is not responsible for a student’s personal safety, health, welfare or any injury that may occur prior to, during, or after a training programme.
- AVSE-TESOL is not responsible for any loss, theft or damage to personal property regardless of where the incident occurs.
Travel Insurance:
- Students are strongly advised to take out comprehensive travel insurance that includes, but isn’t limited to, adequate medical coverage and cancellation & refund provisions. The insurance should cover the period: 1. travelling to the TESOL destination; 2. the duration of the training programme; and 3. the remaining time the student expects to be away from their home country.
Travel arrangements:
- Students are entirely responsible for their personal travel arrangements.
- If AVSE-TESOL provides travel related advice, it will be done so in good faith. AVSE-TESOL is not responsible for any misfortune that occurs because of travel advice that was provided.
- Students are responsible for ensuring they are covered by the appropriate visa during a training course at AVSE-TESOL and thereafter.
- AVSE-TESOL will not formally sponsor a visa to enter Vietnam or Cambodia for anyone due to the inherent risks, but we are open to producing an ‘official’ letter attesting to factual information – course enrolment, confirmed accommodation and suchlike. Letters of this kind incur a fee of US $35.00 each, to cover the cost of producing the document.
- AVSE-TESOL bears no responsibility in the event you are refused permission to exit your home country or enter Vietnam or Cambodia.
Job assistance:
- AVSE-TESOL provides job guidance and hands-on help to all students who have successfully completed the TESOL programme, regardless of the mode of study.
- Students have the option of declining job guidance and hands-on help from AVSE-TESOL.
- AVSE-TESOL is unable to provide job guidance and hands-on help until the student has submitted all course related assessment tasks.
- When attending job interviews, students must present themselves in a professional and courteous manner.
- AVSE-TESOL reserves the right to refuse job guidance and hands-on help in cases where a student’s performance or behavior during or after the course is considered unprofessional.
- AVSE’s commitment in relation to job guidance and hands-on help is satisfied when any one of the following events occur:
- The student has been offered a position by a reputable school regardless of location, provided the job pays market rates; comes with Work Permit support, provides for a realistic workload for a professional teacher; and offers a safe teaching and learning environment.
- The student chooses not to attend a prearranged interview or fails to attend an interview (without adequate notice) for a teaching position at a reputable school.
- The student has attended 5 separate interviews at schools that are actively seeking to employ a new teacher.
- Any employment assistance provided by AVSE-TESOL does not prevent the student from searching for employment on their own behalf.
- AVSE-TESOL does not guarantee a student a teaching position at a certain rate of pay, at a particular school or in a particular geographical location.
Cancellation and refund:
AVSE-TESOL has a ‘No Explanation Required’ Cancellation & Refund Policy in recognition that things happen and people change their mind. This policy applies to all payments (deposit, balance of course fees, optional extras and suchlike) made to AVSE-TESOL regardless of advertised due dates. The start date of a course is the date that’s publicly advertised. In most instances this will be on a Sunday and coincide with a Welcome Party.
- Any student who chooses to cancel their enrolment will receive a refund of 90% of the total sum they paid to AVSE-TESOL when notification is received 45 days (or more) before the advertised start date of the relevant study programme.
- Any student who chooses to cancel their enrolment will receive a refund of 75% of the total sum they paid to AVSE-TESOL when notification is received 30 to 44 days before the advertised start date of the relevant study programme.
- Any student who chooses to cancel their enrolment will receive a refund of 50% of the total sum they paid to AVSE-TESOL when notification is received 15 to 29 days before the advertised start date of the relevant study programme.
- Any student who chooses to cancel their enrolment will receive a refund of 25% of the total sum they paid to AVSE-TESOL when notification is received 1 to 14 days before the advertised start date of the relevant study programme.
- Any student who chooses to cancel their enrolment on the day their scheduled course is due to start (or during the course) is ineligible for a refund.
- In the event that AVSE-TESOL cancels a course for any reason other than ‘Force Majeure’, the student will receive a refund of 100% of the total sum that was paid.
- If a TESOL course is cancelled by AVSE-TESOL due to ‘Force Majeure’ (pandemic, earthquake, flood and suchlike), the student will receive a refund of 50% of the total sum that was paid.
AVSE-TESOL has a ‘No Explanation Required’ Transfer Policy. Transfer fees are as follows:
- Any student who chooses to transfer their enrolment to another study programme or course date at AVSE-TESOL can do so without incurring a transfer fee when notification is received 15 days (or more) before the advertised start date of the study programme they wish to transfer from.
- Any student who chooses to transfer their enrolment to another study programme or course date at AVSE-TESOL can do so on paying a Transfer Fee of US $100.00 (upfront) when notification is received 1 to 14 days before the advertised start date of the study programme they wish to transfer from.
- Any student who chooses to transfer their enrolment to another study programme or course date at AVSE-TESOL can do so on paying a Transfer Fee of US $250.00 (upfront) when notification is received on or after the advertised start date of the study programme they wish to transfer from.
- The fee for in-class TESOL programme at AVSE-TESOL in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Phnom Penh does not include accommodation. AVSE-TESOL provides each in-class TESOL student with a list of local accommodation providers to suit all budgets – cheap, medium priced, more expensive. Students are free to disregard the accommodation options that are presented in good faith by AVSE-TESOL. Typically, accommodation for 23 nights is sufficient for the in-class TESOL programme.
- The Teaching Jobs Abroad Programme at AVSE-TESOL comes with nine nights accommodation in Ho Chi Minh City or Phnom Penh. The accommodation that’s provided is basic, but practical – within easy walking distance of the training location, own bedroom, own bathroom, air conditioning, desk, chair, refrigerator and a hot water jug for tea and coffee.
- The TEFL Internship Programme at AVSE-TESOL comes with nine nights accommodation in Ho Chi Minh City or Phnom Penh – and a further 42 nights in the town or city where the ‘job placement’ component takes place. The accommodation that’s provided in Ho Chi Minh City or Phnom Penh with the Internship Programme is exactly the same as what’s provided with the Teaching Jobs Abroad Programme – see immediately above. AVSE-TESOL will provide photographs and an accurate description of the accommodation that’s on offer in the town or city where the internship placement will occur.
- Teaching Jobs Abroad and Internship students have the option of removing accommodation in Ho Chi Minh City or Phnom Penh from their programme. In this event, the student is entitled to a $90.00 reduction in their fee, provided AVSE-TESOL receives notice in writing, at least five days prior to the scheduled start date of the particular programme.
- If two students choose to share a room while completing the Teaching Jobs Abroad Programme or the TEFL Internship Programme in Ho Chi Minh City or Phnom Penh, both students are entitled to a fee reduction of US $45.00 each.
Special offers:
- As a legal commercial entity, AVSE-TESOL has the right to make commercial decisions from time-to-time regarding advertised fees.
- AVSE-TESOL offers Promo Codes from time to time for the in-class TESOL programme in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Phnom Penh. An AVSE-TESOL Promo Code can be used by any customer who submits an application directly to AVSE-TESOL to join an in-class study programme, as distinct from signing up after being referred from a third-party.
- Unless otherwise specifically stated, Promo Codes do not apply to the following programmes offered by AVSE-TESOL: Online TESOL, Teaching Jobs Abroad, Vietnam TEFL internships.
- AVSE-TESOL has the right to pay Agents (and individuals) a recruitment fee for referring students to a study programme. The payment to the Agent (recruiter) comes from the substantive (advertised) fee.
- Recruitment fees (15%) will only be paid to individuals when their name appears in the relevant section of the Application form for a particular course. Moreover, all recruitment activities performed by a third-party must be subject to a signed Recuitment Agreement (Third Party Agreement) prior to the commencement of recruitment activities.
Advertising material:
- Every effort is made by AVSE-TESOL to ensure literature and advertising material is accurate, but errors and omissions can occur from time-to-time with business activities. When issues are identified, AVSE-TESOL will act within a maximum of 2 business days.
- Communication between AVSE-TESOL, students and other stakeholders will largely be conducted by email. Students have a responsibility to ensure that AVSE-TESOL is advised in the event of a change of email address.
Learner questionnaire:
- Students will be asked to complete a short ‘Learner Questionnaire’ at the end of their study programme (designed by the Australian Government). Students can choose to complete, or not to complete the questionnaire. In the event a student chooses to complete the questionnaire, they have the right to include or exclude their name.
Acceptance of conditions:
- The act of directly (or indirectly) accepting an offer to participate in a study programme at AVSE-TESOL constitutes acknowledgement and acceptance of the contents of this Service Agreement. It is imperative that students thoroughly read this document and reach out to AVSE-TESOL in the event they require clarification.
Further information:
- If you require clarification on any aspect of this Service Agreement, feel free to email the Managing Director of AVSE-TESOL, Peter Goudge: